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Cold Cathode Gauge


HyVac Cold Cathode 607 is a wide range vacuum gauge controller that can be simultaneously linked with three pressure gauges. Pressures that can be measured range from 7.5 x 10-9 to 1.0 Torr. In full-function applications, this controller can linked with two thermocouple gauges and a high vacuum active inverted magnetron gauge in order to achieve a wide range of vacuum measurement.

The measurement range provided by the Cold Cathode 607 is quite sufficient for most applications. In order to facilitate user observations, all data is displayed on front panel in a digital format. In addition, widely-used analog output is provided.

As far as manufacturing process applications are concerned, the 607 provides each gauge with two set points that can be used to control the relays. The relays are all independently controllable, and can be set according to the needs of the end application.

In order to avoid complex operating procedures, the 607's function settings can be changed by means of either hardware or software. The user can change the settings of commonly-used functions by means of the software of the instrument which is displayed on the front panel. In the case of those rarely-used functions, it is necessary to open the cover and change the internal circuit settings.  Complete documentation is included to ensure this is a simple procedure.

Catalog Number 94400-001

Measurement Range 7.5×10-9 to 1.0 Torr
1.0×10-8 to 1.3 mbar
Gas Calibration Air/nitrogen
Units of Measure Torr, mbar, or Pascal
Display Green LED with
Scientific notation
2 digit mantissa
1 digit exponent
Analog Output Nonlinear ,0 to 10 Vdc
Accessories output 6 independently relays
SPDT contacts
0.2A at 120V
Power Requirement 115/230V (jumper select) 50/60Hz , 50W
Type VGT-400 or DV-6M
Pressure Range 1.0×10-3 to 1.0 Torr
Flange NW16
Type AIM-S-NW25
(Edwards High Vacuum Inc.)
Pressure range 7.5×10-9 to 2.5×10-3 Torr
Flange NW25




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Cold Cathode Model 607

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